
Generation Commercial EPCs

specialize in assessing the energy efficiency of commercial buildings. Energy Performance Certification (EPC) documents are vital for buyers or tenants during property transactions, providing crucial insights into a building’s energy efficiency. Moreover, newly constructed and new commercial buildings must also possess a non-domestic EPC.

Generation Display Energy Certificates

are essential for buildings exceeding 250m², occupied by public authorities and visited by the public. Display Energy Certificates (DECs) come with an Advisory Report, offering recommendations to enhance the building’s energy performance. DECs must be prominently displayed in areas visible to the public, ensuring compliance with legal requirements

Generation SBEM calculations

are integral for new build properties, as they necessitate a Part L Document compiled at the project’s onset to adhere to building regulations. Design stage SBEM calculations are mandatory and must be submitted to Building Control before commencing any on-site work. Additionally, a construction SBEM calculation must be completed within 30 days of the building’s finalization

Generation MEES Improvement Reports

Reports address critical legislative amendments
enacted since April 2018.It is now illegal to finalize a new lease for a commercial property unless it boasts an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of E or better. MEES regulations are applicable to new lettings and lease renewals effective April 1st, 2018, mandating landlords and property owners to verify compliance with MEES standards prior to lease approval